14 April 2014

When do you really know it is time to look for a new role?



We have all been there – those days at work where you feel like shouting at the top of your voice where they can all go! For 99% of us though, we will internalise this frustration and think ‘what’s the point, no one is listening’, and carry on.


Does this sound like you? Here are the top 5 common reasons people look for a new job.




Jobs can be frustrating for such a wide number of reasons. The most common frustration I come across is having a bad manager, a manager who just doesn’t listen and simply doesn’t have the management / people skills for the job. I hate to tell you, but this isn’t going to change, so don’t live in hope that it will. What you can do is self-manage, and set yourself goals. This may include discussing with your boss and getting their approval for work related courses, or allowing you to have time with a mentor within your company or the industry. If you love every other aspect of your role, then I would suggest that you investigate the above steps first, before thinking about a new role.




Colleagues are the number two most common reason to drive you away from your job. Mean, uncooperative, not a team player, moody, back-stabber …. the list just go on, I have heard it all.


We have to spend the majority of our working day with colleagues, and having to be with someone like the above list, day after day, week after week can become intolerable.


This is as common a factor for men as it is for women. The first step I suggest would be to talk with your boss and address the issues. If they tell you that it is just you and not to be silly – take this as a ‘warning bells’ sign that they are going to do nothing about it. If it carries on, don’t be afraid to re-address the issue again. However you will need to have good grounds, and not just because you are having an ‘emotional day’, and be warned, they will usually say what they said in the first meeting. If you do not feel you are being listened to, and there is a more superior Director of the company, talk to them and discuss your issue, and I would also suggest putting your complaint in writing.


By now, you are one tough cookie for sticking in there, most likely because you have other reasons outside of work to make you want to stay in the role, financial pressures, family commitments etc. However if the situation is not corrected and it is affecting you and adjusting your everyday energy in the wrong direction, then I do suggest looking for a new job. By your company not listening or acting on your complaint, you will just be fighting an uphill battle. You have to decide if it is worth the battle.




Number three complaint is salary – you think it is about time you had a pay rise, it has been 3 years and not a mention of one at all. I feel that salaries should be adjusted to work with the financial economy – in 2009 and 2010 quite a few New Zealand companies asked their workforce to take 10 – 20% salary reductions to help them through the recession, and many were grudgingly happy to do so for the common good. Some have not returned to their pre-salary level yet.


Employers should do a review every 12 months, not necessarily a salary review given each time, but objectives should be agreed together and you should commit to working hard to achieving these objectives. A salary raise carrot or bonus given at the end of the 12 month period shows significantly better results, and I would encourage employers to offer this.


I think a salary review and increase should be awarded if not every year, then at least every 2 years. This encourages motivation and staff contentment. Staff will be less likely to look for a new role and more likely to work harder and be committed to their role and company.




Next on the list coming in fourth is the complaint of ‘just being in the same role for too long’. However I feel this really does depend on the type of role you do, and the type of personal drivers you have. If you strive to progress and be the next General Manager, then you need to be able to see the clear path of progression ahead of you – remembering that this doesn’t happen overnight and you need to have the skills and drive to get there – and of course be in the type of role and company that will offer you the challenges and change needed.


On the other hand, you may be very happy being in a ‘steady as you go’ role, and there is no problem with that at all. It may be that the type of job you do simply has no change of course. So long as you are happy and your role gives you satisfaction, then enjoy your achievements. I know your company will appreciate your on-going contribution – I just hope they tell you regularly!




“I just don’t understand why they haven’t promoted me yet”…. There will be a number of reasons why. Firstly, have you actually asked why? If you have a review process, bring it up, ask if it is in the future plan to promote you, and be clear that you would like it to be.


How long have you been in your role? Sometimes people have a high opinion of themselves and it is actually just way too soon for a promotion. I do especially find this with graduates 1 – 4 years’ work experience level. I would suggest that you just need to be more patient, and when your boss feels it is the right time - then it will happen.


If people are constantly being employed above you, then you should ask why. But do it in a proactive way. It may be that you are missing crucial skills or leadership ability, and a course or spending time with an internal mentor can quickly bring your skills up to the level required.


Maybe there is no role to be promoted to? There are other ways to grow your skills. Ask about courses that will bring new skills to the company. There are some fantastic mentorship programmes in New Zealand that you can join, business breakfast and lunch groups, industry events.


Just remember not every day in your job is going to be a great day. Everyone works at a different pace, find your pace and stick to it. Others will follow and others will fall behind. Set yourself goals and talk to people for guidance. At the end of the day, don’t make a quick, rash decision to leave a role. Take your time, make sure it is the right decision for you, and you will have no regrets.


The above information is not to be taken as legal advice. Copyright of this article belongs to The Creative Store.
